Hiking South Albania

Hiking South Albania
Explore South and have an unique rural experience

Thursday, January 30, 2020


Kisha e Shën Thanasit ndodhet në Leshnicën e Poshtme dhe një mbishkrim në hyrje të saj përmend vitin 1797 në të cilin është ndërtuar. Naosi është I tipit bazilik me kupolë trenefësh, me përmasa të brendshme 8,10 x 5,90 m\

Dy radhë kollonash e ndajnë naosin në tre nefe gjatësore, nga të cilat nefi qendror është në mënyrë të dukshme mjaft më i gjerë dhe më I lartë nga dy nefet anësore. Kollonat lidhen me njera-tjetrën dhe me muret perimetrale me një rrjet harqesh në të gjitha drejtimet. Distanca ndërmjet dy çifteve lindore të kollonave është më e madhe, duke krijuar kështu mundësinë e formimit të një bërthame katrore, të mbuluar me kupolë me një tambar të lartë, si dhe të një nefi tërthor tepër hapësinor. Nefi qendror dhe ai tërthor mbulohen me qemere cilindrike , ndërsa bërthamat e vogla në nefet anësore janë të mbuluara me kësula sferike. Pjesa qendrore e naosit të kujton strukturën në formë kryqi.

Ambienti I altarit është I ngushtë, por hapësira e tij zgjerohet nga dalja jashtë e apsidës së bemës.

Në anën perëndimore naosi lidhet me narteksin, i cili në gjëndjen fillestare ka qenë I hapur me tri arkada në faqet e jashtme të tij. Narteksi është I mbuluar me çati druri pa tavan. Muratura e kishës është shumë e rregullt, e ndërtuar me gurë shtresorë dhe përfundon me një kornizë guri, në formë dhëmbësh sharre. Në pamjen e jashtme bie në sy vëllimi prizmatik I kishës me faqe të rrafshta, I mbuluar me çati dyujëse, nga i cili shkëputen volume I tamburit tetëfaqësh dhe ai I apsidës trifaqëshe. Janë pikërisht këta dy elemente që përmbajnë përpunimin më të pasur arkitektonik. Faqet e tyre janë të gjallëruara me nike të ngushta, të mbuluara nga sipër me harqe tullash.

Në anën veriore të naosit janë ndërtuar dhoma të ndryshme që u shërbenin murgjëve në jetën e tyre të përditshme. (Pirro Thomo, «Kishat Pasbizantine në Shqiperinë e Jugut», Botim i Kishës Orthodokse Autoqefale të Shqipërisë, Tiranë 1998).

Naosi ndahet nga altari me një tempull të drunjtë në të cilin ka ikona plot art të Shën Thanasit dhe Shënjtorëve të tjerë.
Në pjesën e brendshme naosi është tërësisht me afreske dhe vetëm për këtë ai përbën një monument të vyer social, kulturor dhe fetar.
Sot është i braktisur në mëshirë të kohës dhe rrezikon të rrëzohet tërërsisht.

Peisazhi plot gjelbërim dhe terreni malor e bëjnë një destinacion për tu mos u humbur. Mos mungo por behu dhe ti pjesë e aventurave tona.

Përgatiti materialin:  Alexander Paskali  – aktivist I lëvizjes për promovimin e zonave të thella rurale për më shumë akses dhe zhvillim “Dropull nje eksperience rurale”  Koordinator I grupit “Hiking South Albania”, drejtues I guidave lokale të personalizuara në zonën e Dropullit prej 6 vitesh, vizita në objektet e kultit dhe zonat e rëndësisë së veçantë, njohës mjaft I mirë I shtigjeve malore.

Të gjitha të drejtat janë të rezervuara “Hiking South Albania” – Guida malore dhe “Dropull, nje eksperience rurale” 

©Copyright Hiking South Albania

Ky artikull është ekskluziv i Alexander Paskali dhe Hiking South Albania, gëzon të drejtën e autorësisë sipas Ligjit Nr. 35/2016, "Për të drejtat e autorit dhe të drejtat e lidhura me to". Shkrimi mund të ripublikohet nga mediat e tjera vetëm duke cituar Hiking South Albania dhe në fund të vendoset linku i burimit, në të kundërt çdo shkelës do të mbajë përgjegjësi sipas Nenit 178 të Ligjit Nr/ 35/2016.

Për më shumë informacion na gjeni në :

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Finiq has played a strategic role from the administrative and political point of view in the region of Epirus, thanks to its geographical position and economic development. Initially as the center of Kaonia and then as the capital of Epirus Koinon (between 230-168 BC), a federal state created by the union of the Epirus territories and some of the most important regions as: Chaonians, Thesprotia and Molossians.
Among the many writings of the ancient authors, that testify the richness and the great values of this city, is Polybius, who in his writings called Finiq as the city with the strongest fortification walls throughout Epirus. This is evident as well by the archaeological discoveries that have highlighted the fortification system and the monuments that represent all the historical phases of the city, beginning from the Hellenistic period up to the medieval period. While another source that shows the great importance that Finiq had at the end of the century III BC, is documented by the Roman author Titus Livius of the so called “Finiq Peace” that ended the first war between the Romans and the Macedonians. In the 3rd century BC, Finiq reaches the maximum of the political, administrative, and architectural development.

From the political and administrative aspect in the Roman period the role of Foinike was weakened, but in the the city were conducted a series of construction works which included the reconstruction of the buildings with social character as the theater, the building of a public facility in the central part of the city (it is still unclear the overall size and scope) and of water tanks. Even during late antiquity and the Middle Age, life in Foinike continues to be intense. One of the most important monuments of this period is the early Christian basilica with three naves and an atrium at the front (c. V-VI AC).
The theatre is the most identifying monument of the ancient city of Finiq as not only reflects two main stages of this city, the Hellenistic and the Roman period, but also by having very large dimensions (over 30 m of length), attests to the importance of this great political capital. 
The orchestra occupies a large artificial terrace in the western slope of the hill. The cavea is geared totally in the natural terrain that forms a semi-circular beam, ideal for building the seats. The theatre was used for performances and probably for political reunions of the Epirote federation (Koinon).
Based on architectural structures and archaeological material, consisting of black-glazed pottery and artwork that decorated the stage, the theater dates back to the middle of the 3rd century BC and it had a second period in the 2nd century BC. The theater had a reconstruction in the Roman period (3rd century AD) and it seems clear in scenic complex. 
The monument was first excavated in 2000 by the Albanian-Italian mission led by Shpresa Gjongecaj (Archaeological Institute of Tirana) and Sandro De Maria (Bologna University).  

Recharge your inner child with #hikingsouthalbania 

This article was prepared by: Alexander Paskali - movement activist for the promotion of remote rural areas for more access and development “Dropull a rural experience” Coordinator of “Hiking South Albania” group, leader of personalized local guides in Dropull area for 6 years , visits to cult sites and areas of particular importance, very good connoisseurs of mountain trails.

All rights reserved "Hiking South Albania" - Mountain Guides and "Dropull, a Rural Experience"

For more information you can find us at: 

Monday, January 20, 2020


The Old Bazaar in Gjirokastra, called by locals as “Qafa e Pazarit” makes up the centre of the Old Town. The history of Bazaar dates back in 17th century. In fact there is no much left from that period. The sources says that a destroying fire impacted the old bazaar in 3d quarter of 19th century.



After that, the bazaar was totally rebuilt. That is why the buildings have the same architecture, some 2 and other 3 storey, but very identical from their structure, in all its line. The first floor is the place where artisans worked all the day, and the second floor was used for different purposes such as hostels or homes. Some of the shops had a back door, used only by the owner. While in front was built a sidewalk for people, which was something rare in other bazaars of the same period.



What we have today is preserved in the best way possible. The radial shape is very interesting if you see it from above, linking it with many streets in the old city. Now there are still some artisans, working in the old fashioned way, and people are trying to pass the craftwork to the new generation. You can buy in the shops of this bazaar many souvenirs, t-shirts, handicrafts, curtains, carpets, and plenty of magnets representing different attractions of Gjirokastra's region.



This article is prepared by: Alexander Paskali - movement activist for the promotion of remote rural areas for more access and development “Dropull a rural experience” Coordinator of “Hiking South Albania” group, leader of personalized local guides in Dropull area for 6 years , visits to cult sites and areas of particular importance, very good connoisseurs of mountain trails.

Recharge your inner child with #hikingsouthalbania                   


All rights reserved "Hiking South Albania" - Mountain Guides and "Dropull, a Rural Experience"

For more information you can find us at: 


Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Only very few people can claim to have visited “the land of the eagles” and experienced what it’s really about. Today Albania is probably one of the safest and most welcoming destinations in Europe. Exhale in the rural landscapes and mountains of south Albania, made up of well-known local destinations like cajupi, nemercka, frasheri and murgana summit the area is an outdoor adventurer’s dream.


But it doesn't take much to find the regions less traveled and get off the beaten track. The great unknown lures people in and the friendliness and hospitality, paired with some of the most amazing landscape, do their part to make the visitor fall in love with the country. 
Is this the reason why the national tourism board dubbed it “a new Mediterranean love”? Most probably...
Gjirokastra, the stone city, is surrounded by a lot of water resources, such as drino valley, the river that connects the Greek city of Ioannina, Gjirokastra and river vjose in Tepelene. There are a lot of artificial lakes which can be used as a recreational area for sport activities. Hiking South Albania organizes every weekend sport activities near the lake areas such as kayaking, hiking, camping, barbeque, and different games. If you ever find yourself in Gjirokastra contact us and experience magical south. 
Recharge your inner child with #hikingsouthalbania.

This article is prepared by: Alexander Paskali - movement activist for the promotion of remote rural areas for more access and development “Dropull a rural experience” Coordinator of “Hiking South Albania” group, leader of personalized local guides in Dropull area for 6 years , visits to cult sites and areas of particular importance, very good connoisseurs of mountain trails.

All rights reserved "Hiking South Albania" - Mountain Guides and "Dropull, a Rural Experience"

For more information you can find us at: 
